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I grow and braid my own sweetgrass here in Missouri. 


The braid sizes vary from 10 inches up to 14 inches.


Each year I "infuse" the braids while I am braiding them.  This year's batch of sweetgrass braids have been infused with JOY.  I set this intention as I am braiding them.


Sweetgrass is much more than a nice smelling plant that can be burned. It represents the connection of humans to earth and sky and is used in many ceremonies and prayers. Typically, sage is burned first to cleanse and purify and is followed by sweetgrass to attract good energy and spirits.

In Native American traditions, the seven strands of sweetgrass typically represent the "Seven Grandfather Teachings": Love, Respect, Honesty, Courage, Wisdom, Truth, and Humility, with each strand symbolizing one of these teachings, serving as a reminder to live by these values and honor the generations before and after us. 


Key points about the seven strands of sweetgrass:

  • Connection to generations:

    Often, the seven strands are divided into three groups of seven, where the first seven represent the past generations (ancestors), the middle seven represent the present, and the last seven represent future generations. 

  • Braiding significance:

    Sweetgrass is often braided with three cords, each containing seven strands, symbolizing the connection between mind, body, and spirit. 

  • Sacred plant:

    Sweetgrass is considered a sacred plant in many Native American cultures, representing the "hair of Mother Earth".


  • The first seven strands represent the seven generations behind us including our parents, grandparents, etc.; the next seven represent the seven sacred teachings of love, humility, truth, respect, honesty, courage and wisdom; the final seven strands represent the seven generations that will come after us.


Sweet Grass for Smudging

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