I began meditating in November of 2014. I, like many, suffered from severe anxiety and panic attacks. At that time in my life, I had 5 kids I was trying to raise. The anxiety and panic attacks were causing me to stay at home much of the time and I knew I didn't want to raise my kids this way. I sought help from medical professionals whose only answer was pharmaceutical drugs. I knew I had an addictive personality and that the end game was not going to be pretty if I were to start taking those drugs. I left the doctor's office having no solution, defeated and very depressed.
At about that same time, I saw a flier in town about Primordial Sound Meditation, a workshop that was going to be happening in about 2 weeks. I signed up. And of course, on the day of the workshop, I had one of the worst panic attacks I had ever had and was just not going to be able to go. I heard my dad in my head saying, "Do it even if your ass falls off". My dad used to say that to my sister and me to try and motivate us to just walk through any discomfort or fear to do it anyway. Somehow I got myself there. I was the biggest skeptic at that time. I was really down on life in general and just knew it was not going to help me. I was proven wrong. The class was about 4 hours long and when I came away that day I had renewed hope that it might just work. I have been meditating since that day. After class I started a strict routine of meditating once in the morning and once in the afternoon for 30 minutes each. In only 2 weeks my anxiety was 90% gone. I had no more panic attacks. I just could not believe the results. Today I know the science behind how and why meditation works to calm us down and mitigate and in some cases eliminate anxiety and panic attacks.
Now meditation is for anyone and everyone at any age of life, you need not suffer with any kind of ailment.
The Zen Labyrinth Meditation Boards are a new and updated rendition of boards my father used to make when I was younger. He was an electronics engineer and loved woodworking. He was a master of both.
In November of 2019, my husband and I had a pretty bad truck accident having been hit by another car that was hit by an SUV and pushed into us. We walked away with broken ribs, some pretty bad bruising, and PTSD. My life shifted yet again. This is when I had a meditation that gave me the idea of making the boards my dad had made into meditation boards and bringing them to the world. I have long held the belief that meditation is for everyone, no matter your age. In the process of healing from the accident, the idea of Meditation Tools, LLC was born and manifested.
Today, Caleb and I share the dream of bringing meditation to the world in an easy and fun way. It is one of our shared passions.
The labyrinth is a spiritual tool for expansion and growth and is carried in each zen board.
(Please see the video: The Meaning of the Labyrinth).
I'm always looking for new and exciting opportunities. Let's connect.