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The sacred burning bundles are for smudging and clearning unwanted energy. 


The price has not been determined yet. This will depend on the kind of sage (black or white) and the size of the smudge stick and cost of the charm.


They make great unique gifts for friends, family and loved ones.

They include a sweetgrass braid (that I grow and braid myself here in Missouri) approximately 10-12 inches in length.  A Palo Santo 4 inch stick.  And a sage smudge stick.  They will also come with some kind of charm.


These sacred burning bundles will come with a choice of black or white sage.


Black sage and white sage differ in their flavor, appearance, and uses: 

  • Flavor: Black sage has a strong, herbal, and sometimes minty scent and a mildly astringent, herbaceous flavor. White sage has a more intense, tart, and resinous scent. 
  • Appearance: White sage has larger, paler leaves and longer, taller stalks of flowers. 
  • Uses: Black sage is used in traditional medicine, such as making sun tea to treat pain. White sage is used in incense rituals and as a fragrant plant. 

Black sage is also used to encourage dreams and visions, and to aid in restful sleep. The Chumash people use black sage as a sun tea, and the plant produces a nectar that is used to make black sage honey.


Appearance: Black sage has smaller, darker green leaves that can appear blackish during droughts. It is a lower-growing plant compared to white sage. Aroma: The aroma of black sage is milder when burned compared to white sage.


Palo santo, a wood from the Bursera graveolens tree, has many properties, including: 

  • Essential oil

    Palo santo oil can be used to: 
    • Purify the air and the mind 
    • Calm the nervous system 
    • Reduce feelings of anxiety 
    • Brighten the mood 
    • Spiritual

      Palo santo is used for its spiritual purifying properties, to cleanse "mala energía" (bad energy). It's said to help with meditation and relaxation, enhance creativity, and bring good fortune. 

    • Medicinal

      Palo santo has medicinal properties that can help with: 
      • Relieving pain 
      • Acting as a natural insect repellent 
      • Calming stress and anxiety 
      • Boosting the immune system 
      • Fighting viruses and infections 
      • Stimulating circulation 
      • Promoting sleep 
      • Reducing inflammation 

    Palo santo is one of the most aromatic and rarefied woods in the world. It has an earthy, warm fragrance with hints of lemon, pine, musk, and mint. 

    You can use palo santo by: Burning it, Smudging with it, and Using it as an essential oil.


    Sweetgrass is much more than a nice smelling plant that can be burned. It represents the connection of humans to earth and sky and is used in many ceremonies and prayers. Typically, sage is burned first to cleanse and purify and is followed by sweetgrass to attract good energy and spirits.

    In Native American traditions, the seven strands of sweetgrass typically represent the "Seven Grandfather Teachings": Love, Respect, Honesty, Courage, Wisdom, Truth, and Humility, with each strand symbolizing one of these teachings, serving as a reminder to live by these values and honor the generations before and after us. 


    Key points about the seven strands of sweetgrass:

    • Connection to generations:

      Often, the seven strands are divided into three groups of seven, where the first seven represent the past generations (ancestors), the middle seven represent the present, and the last seven represent future generations. 

    • Braiding significance:

      Sweetgrass is often braided with three cords, each containing seven strands, symbolizing the connection between mind, body, and spirit. 

    • Sacred plant:

      Sweetgrass is considered a sacred plant in many Native American cultures, representing the "hair of Mother Earth".


    • The first seven strands represent the seven generations behind us including our parents, grandparents, etc.; the next seven represent the seven sacred teachings of love, humility, truth, respect, honesty, courage and wisdom; the final seven strands represent the seven generations that will come after us.

    Sacred Burning Bundles~Coming in 2025

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